


New activities

Thursday March 6
Lectures Gourmandes "le quatrième mur " - Sorj Chalandon
Thursday January 23
Lectures gourmandes "Mur Méditerranée"
Thursday February 6
Lectures Gourmandes "La lionne Blanche" - Henning Mankel
Tuesday January 14
Conférence UTL : « Méditerranées : regards contemporains »
Monday January 20
Visite de l'exposition « La Navale »
Friday December 13
Visite commentée de l’atelier «Vitraux IMBERT»

Travels 2015


Friday 5 June - Sunday 7 June : Trip to Rodez-Conques-St Guilhem-le-Désert-Maguelone

Musee_Pierre_Soulages Vitraux_Soulages Passerelle_St_Guilhem

A visit to the Pierre Soulages Museum in Rodez, Conques Abbey, with its new stained glass windows, and the Maguelonne Cathedral. Nearby in Saint Guilhem is the HPFRC bridge designed by Rudy Ricciotti, forerunner to the two at the MuCEM.


Thursday 17 September - Monday 21 September : Trip to Nederland

  Trip to Nederland : gallery
Amsterdam Rijkmuseum


Thursday 19 November - Sunday 22 November : Trip to Paris

  Trip to Paris : gallery